Hi! I'm Yusuf. That's me in the grey trousers. We're playing the camel game.
I am ten years old and I live in Tigray in Ethiopia. I have six brothers and sisters and I love to play football.
This is my house. It is built of stone and has three rooms - a living room, a kitchen and a storeroom. There is no bedroom, so I don't have much space to myself. I get up at 7am to go to school. I want to be a teacher when I grow up.My favourite game is called Bathu. We have to pretend to be camels! I take my turn to collect water from a pump nearby each day.Ethiopia is a very dry country so water is precious. I like to play football with my friends. We made the ball from plastic wrapped in cloth. After playing I have my dinner, spicy lentils, yum! Then I go to bed at 9pm.